Afterward – Post Website Production Support
Once your new website is complete, we’ll train you on the basics of Post, Page and Event creation, how to add new users, along with other content management fundamentals. (Specifics are stated within the written proposal.)
Often this training takes form in either two one-hour telephone training sessions, a customized video tutorial, or a set of printed instructions.
Website Maintenance and Upkeep
Once the initial design and development of your web site is completed, periodic maintenance will be necessary. In addition to basic upkeep, applying new applications to enhance your marketing and development potential may be desired.
Although the appropriate amount of maintenance time needed is relative to the size and complexity of your site, along with budget constraints, maintenance and upgrading services should include:
- Revising and adding content: article Posts, Page text and images, and other similar content.
- Adding and editing event and calendar information.
- Updating WordPress and plugin versions, as well as the theme.
- Consultation on content development and marketing strategies.
- SEO development.
- Backing up your site.
- Overall systems check
It is recommended that the client budgets at least five hours per month to keep content current and interesting and maintain their site’s basic functionality. That can be done in-house using your staff, or you could have us do it for you (or a combination of the two). That being said, whatever website maintenance and enhancements you cannot do by yourself, we can handle them for you.
DOWW’s maintenance fees are charged on a per-hour basis (at 15-minute increments), on a prearranged agreement of time and rate. We also have an affordable selection of maintenance upkeep plans.